Most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Fintiba

Do you have questions, but aren't sure where to look? Are you curious about what questions others may be asking? Then you've come to the right place!

 Here are the Top 10 most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Fintiba, our products, processes and guidelines. 

  1. How do I get access to my money when I'm in Germany?
  2. How can I close my Fintiba account?
  3. How can I extend my blocked account?
  4. How does the legitimation process work?
  5. What is Finitba Transfer and how can I use it?
  6. I want to extend my account, but it is already closed, what do I need to do?
  7. Do I have to transfer the whole blocked amount in one transaction?
  8. Is it required to provide a confirmation of the "Source of Funds"?
  9. I have been asked to go through the video legitimation. How does it work?
  10. How long does it take to open a Blocked Account?

Didn't find what you are looking for? Talk to Fintibot, our AI chatbot by clicking the blue icon on the bottom-right of your screen. Also check out our extensive Help Center!


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